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Heiko's SIRCS Page

Subject: D7 remote control - do it yourself

Hello DAT-heads,

about half a year ago, I posted some info about how to build an interface that plugs into the D7 7-pin connector and gives s/p-dif coax input and output. At that time I didn't manage to find out how the "sircs"-pin (serial infrared remote control signal) of the 7-pin connector could be used.

In the meantime, I built a receiver and transmitter for infrared remote control signals and wrote a little PC program to decode and generate these signals. With a simple interface for the D7 7-pin connector, I'm also able to control my D7 from a PC. Thus, features like start-id edit and renumber can be accessed without a special sony remote control box (RMT-D7 or RM-D3K) - unfortunately the D7 itself doesn't have the necessary buttons ...

This mail includes details about the remote control signal format used by Sony as well as a list of remote control messages that are understood by the D7. For further information (or to download the software), have a look at http://www.fet.uni-hannover.de/purnhage/dat/dat.html

All usual discalimers apply - you have to build and operate such a DIY remote control at your own risc!

I hope that this information is of interest. Any comments are welcome!


SIRCS - Serial Infrared Remote Control System (Ver. 4)

Heiko Purnhagen   27-nov-95, 30-jun-96, 19-aug-96, 08-sep-96, 01-apr-97, 981112
e-mail: purnhage@tnt.uni-hannover.de
WWW:    http://www.fet.uni-hannover.de/purnhage/

This program may be copied according to the GNU General Public Licence.


SIRCS    27-nov-95   first version
SIRCS2   30-jun-96   improved handling of auto-repeat keys
                     added non-verbose version of "transmit sony msgs"
SIRCS3   19-aug-96   added command line options
                     added cli/sti and timing check
SIRCS4   08-sep-96   added 38.4 kHz carrier generation to drive
                     an IR-LED directly from TD

About this program

This program is written in Turbo Pascal 6.0 and requires a reasonable
fast PC (486SX 25 MHz or even 386DX 6 MHz is sufficient). Since
direct access to the PC hardware is employed, this program must be started
directly from DOS (and not from a DOS-Window within MS-Windows).

In order to be able to receive and transmit (infrared) remote control
signals, you have to connect an appropriate interface to the serial
port of your PC. This interface either containes an infrared LED and/or
photodiode to transmit and/or receive the infrared remote control signal
or it is connected directly to the device to be controlled.

A typical infrared transmitter generates a 40 kHz carrier which is
switched on and off according to the serial remote control signal
and then transmitted by the LED.

A typical infrared receiver contains a circuit that detects whether
or not the photodiode is receiving a 40 kHz carrier.

A typical direct interface has to convert (or just limit) the
logical levels of the serial remote control signal to those required
by the device to be controlled.

The different signals of the serial interface connector are used in
a slightly odd way here:

SG       ground
CTS      signal from receiver
RTS      signal to transmitter/device
DTR      positive voltage providing some power for interface circuits
TD       normal mode: positive voltage (as "DTR")
         LED mode:    transmit signal (with 38.4 kHz carrier)

Serial Interface Connector

D25  D9  in/out  signal

  1   -     -    FG   Frame Ground
  2   3     O    TD   Transmit Data
  3   2     I    RD   Receive Data
  4   7     O    RTS  Request to Send
  5   8     I    CTS  Clear to Send
  6   6     I    DSR  Data Set Ready
  7   5     -    SG   Signal Ground
  8   1     I    DCD  Data Carrier Detected
 20   4     O    DTR  Data Terminal Ready
 22   9     I    RI   Ring Indicator

 +3V..+12V = active   = space = 0
 -3V..-12V = inactive = mark  = 1

A simple interface for Sony DAT TCD-D7 / TCD-D8

Note: The D7 requires a low-active serial remote control signal !!!

PC serial (D9)                        D7 / D8 connector
                 10kOhm   10kOhm
RTS (pin 7)   o----RR---+---RR----o   sircs (pin 7)      1 2 3 4
                        |                              +---------+
                        C z-diode                      | o o o o |
                        A ZPD 4.3V                     | o o o  /
                        |                              +--------
SG  (pin 5)   o---------+---------o   ground (pin 6)     5 6 7

For further information about the D7 connector, have a look at

An optocoupler-based interface for Sony DAT TCD-D7 / TCD-D8

Note: This interface is inverting, so you have to feed it
      with an high-active SIRCS signal !!!

                                                D8 connector

                                 +-----------o  # 2  +4V/+5V
                                 R 10 kOhm
PC serial (D25)                  |
                 470 Ohm         |
RTS (pin 4)   o---RRR------+     +-----------o  # 7  sircs
                       pin1|     |pin5
                           |     |
                           A ->  C
                           C ->  E
                           |     |
                           |     |
SG  (pin 7)   o------------+     +-----------o  # 6  ground
                        pin2     pin4
                          or similar

This interface was designed by Ulrich Hornstein .
His original description is also available on

Connecting an IR receiver module

There is a cheap ( < 5 US$ ) IR receiver module available from
"Conrad Electronic" (Nr. 177695). It requires a few mA power at 5 V and has a
low-active output. It can be connected directly to a TCD-D7 / TCD-D8.
To connect it to the PC's serial port (for usage with SIRCS), an additional
5 V power source / voltage regulator and a 4.7 kOhm pull-up resistor is

Driving an IR-LED directly from TD

It is also possible to connect an IR-LED directly to the TD pin of the PC's
serial port to transmit SIRCS messages with an 38.4 kHz carrier signal.

        470 Ohm
  TD  o---RR---+
               A  IR
               C  LED
  SG  o--------+

If you have a PC (laptop) with an IR port, just map this port to a COM
port and use SIRCS in LED-mode on with this COM port to send remote
control signals via the PC's built-in IR port (successfully tested by
Maciej Jesmanowicz ).

Simple IR receiving circuit

Unfortunately, the IR port can not (yet) be used to read IR signals
with SIRCS. But Maciej Jesmanowicz  suggested a simpel
input circuit (1 resistor and 1 IR phototransistor) that seems to work
if you place IR remote control very close (less than 25.4 mm ;-) to
the phototransistor ...

DTR  o---+
         R 10 kOhm
CTS  o---+
         C infrared
         E phototransistor
SG   o---+

Sony serial remote control signal format

A message contains 12 bits and is transmitted every 45 ms (22.2 times
per second) as long as the key on the remote control is held down. A
message is transmitted at least 3 times.

The signal for the message "pause" for a Sony DAT recorder is


where X means an active signal (40kHz carrier transmitted by infrared
remote control) and . means no signal. Each X or . has a duration
of 0.6 ms. The message consists of a start pulse (2.4 ms) which is
followed by 12 data pulses (0.6 ms or 1.2 ms). Each pulse is followed
by a 0.6 ms pause. A 0.6 ms data pulse means a "0", a 1.2 ms pulse a "1".

This program can store such messages in a file, one message per line.
The DAT "pause" message shown above can be stored as


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Heiko Purnhagen 01-apr-97